“Any major new technology will create a lacuna in social and ethical thought in direct proportion to its novelty,” writes philosopher Bernard Rollin in his...
Arts & Culture
Christian witches? What’s next? Married bachelors? Square circles? A combination of disbelief, mockery, and genuine concern for the souls of those who might...
Often, the acting is awkward, the plots shopworn, the wardrobes odd, and the holiday decorations tacky. The scripts are hardly witty and what passes for humor...
My nomination for the most important movie of 2018 has a plot that doesn’t involve superheroes or space travel, and its production didn’t involve any of the...
I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me (Exod...
The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border by Francisco Cantú (Riverhead Books, 2018) It’s become almost cliché in books and films that the...
Toss a family onto a deserted tropical island—or, say, an uncharted planet in outer space—and see what happens when all social and cultural conventions and...
In the past 25 years or so, nondenominational evangelical Protestantism seems to have become the state religion of the American suburbs, and in many of those...
It may be summertime, but anyone paying attention to the news likely finds it anything but restful. So if you find yourself...
My church welcomed new parishioners last week, and as we sat around a conference table eating strawberries and celery sticks, our priest passed around the...