Kidnapped Directed by Mario Bellocchio (IBC Movie, 2024) In the eyes of a child, Catholicism can be bizarre, a point driven home to me recently when, mid-Mass...
Arts & Culture
Sadly, the final season of Vera is just over the Northumberland horizon. In 2025, the beloved BBC police drama will air its last and 14th series. The show is...
Dorothy Day: Radical Devotion By Jeffry Odell Korgen (Paulist Press, 2024) Dorothy Day wrote at least three autobiographies, and there are more than twice as...
Inside Out 2 Directed by Kelsey Mann (Pixar, 2024) Inside Out 2 is Pixar’s highest-grossing film of all time. And for good reason. It’s loaded with vocal...
In the early 1990s, America was obsessed with violent inner-city crime, especially if it was committed by young Black men. The crack cocaine epidemic was...
The Sacrament of Same-Sex Marriage By Bridget Burke Ravizza (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024) In The Sacrament of Same-Sex Marriage: An Inclusive Vision for the...
One of the more intriguing questions about the new Flannery O’Connor film Wildcat is how it came about in the first place. Directed and co-written by actor...
Don’t Forget Me Maggie Rogers (Debay Sounds, 2024) When Maggie Rogers became famous after the release of her 2019 album Heard It in a Past Life, she realized...
I Used to be Funny Directed by Ally Pankiw (Levelfilm, 2024) Despite being branded a comedy-drama, I Used to be Funny is more of a drama about comedy. The film...