Disease and disaster might challenge our belief in God, but despite all that, we must keep the faith. One of the most memorable moments of my life was when I...
Catholic Voices
We shouldn’t let sensationalized crime become an occasion of sin. I once heard a bishop explain to confirmation candidates what it means to, in the words of...
Bonding with those most in need can yield big returns. To paraphrase Winston Churchill’s famous observation on democracy: Capitalism is the worst system in the...
The human cost of the war on terror burdens those who fight it. Americans have grown accustomed to the long list of injuries suffered by the veterans of the...
Banning the Big Gulp isn’t enough to tip the scales in America’s obesity epidemic. Gluttony is the only one of the not-so-magnificent seven that is literally a...
After reading Father Bill Tkachuk’s Sounding Board on admission policies at Catholic elementary schools, U.S. Catholic production editor Tina Herman...
When the church gets you down, you can always serve the poor. I met Sister Maura on my first night working in an overnight shelter on Chicago’s Southwest Side...
The whispered prayers of a father make a lasting lesson for his daughter in this reflection from our archives. I lie in bed thinking of the memories these...
Am I to judge a mentor and friend only by his greatest sin? A death in the family is often an occasion of mixed emotions—sadness and gratitude, maybe even a...
Getting our nation’s budget priorities in order will require a show of solidarity. Thanks to Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, somewhat arcane Catholic...