Employers are falling down on the job when it comes to ensuring worker safety. In November Pope Francis raised eyebrows and generated headlines when he...
Catholic Voices
Peace activist John Dear’s departure from the Jesuits calls to mind our need for modern prophets. On a recent trip from Chicago to Charlotte, North Carolina, I...
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God,” writes the psalmist. As an astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, I get to enjoy those proclamations on a daily...
As the bee population declines, we can either listen to the buzz or feel the sting. For years scientists have been puzzling over a vast die-off of bees in the...
The young woman shared her difficult history, her crippling grief. Then she asked, “So what’s a chaplain again?” Hospitals, especially hospital emergency...
Why must a woman be seen as someone’s mother or sister to deserve respect and safety on a street in India—or anywhere? When I was 13 years old, a man in a...
When I was in graduate school studying theology, I started a blog. Frustrated with the monotony of studying all day, I needed something to break up the hours...
Pope Francis recently said that he wants bishops who are pastoral, not ideological—in tune with their people, “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep.”...
Seeking input on marriage and family life, Pope Francis has decided to consult the experts. If Pope Francis asked you whether divorced and remarried Catholics...
An end to global poverty and suffering is in sight, but much more work remains. In a world awash with suffering and sorrow—the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe...