On the evening of April 10, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI published a letter concerning the sexual abuse crisis facing the church. In it, he emphasized the...
Catholic Voices
The vegans are organized! Or, they clearly know how to get media attention at least. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is well-known for its...
In a room full of anxious ninth graders, you could hear a pin drop. Before handing out the math exam, we began with silent prayer. As each began to pray to...
The prospects for containing carbon emissions in the United States appeared a little hazier at the turn of the new year. Economic researchers at the...
The coming of Lent conjures a complicated set of awakenings in my consciousness that rivals the coming of spring itself. Almost all of them involve food. Our...
“Charity is at the heart of the church, it is the reason for its action, the soul of its mission,” said Pope Francis in September 2017 during the feast of St...
Many Catholics connect the word pilgrimage to far flung places like the Holy Land, Rome, El Camino de Santiago, Lourdes, Fatima, and the Basilica de...
I have a dear friend who, at 92, has been a priest for much longer than I have been alive. Talking about his priesthood once, I asked him, “What do we look...
Slush funds, waste, billions in spending unaccounted for. It sounds like a giant corporate scandal brewing, the kind that ends with executives in jail and...
“I don’t know,” my father said, looking down from where he would sit nightly at the edge of the bed as I prepared for sleep, a ritual throughout my childhood...