On a recent afternoon, as I pushed my toddler on a swing, I watched a pair of 8-year-old boys chase each other with sticks, yelling “Bang! You’re dead! I shot...
Last year Pope Francis called bishops from around the world to gather in Rome for a synod on young people this October. It’s the 15th general synod since the...
The Nuns & Nones origin story is almost disappointingly practical. In 2016 Santa Fe-based minister Wayne Muller visited retreat centers of women religious...
Recently I arranged for a local charity to come pick up eight boxes of household items I was no longer using. The pile, stacked heavily on the porch, was...
Our culture subscribes to some notions of “godparent” that don’t exactly advance the pastoral plan of the church for this essential ministry. Even people who...
When people think of their favorite Catholic church buildings, the typical mid-century suburban parish probably doesn’t make the list. To theologian and...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), a Catholic, has often been the target of criticism because he supports cutting federal programs that benefit the poor...
Editors are the unsung heroes of culture. While some of their work amounts to fiddling with commas, they also make crucial decisions that affect the shape of...
New Revised Standard Version, the King James Bible, the Douay-Rheims, The Message—do we really need yet another translation of the New Testament? David Bentley...
Assumption celebrations in the Catholic Church are a blend of the very old and the relatively new. Written stories about what transpired at the end of Mary’s...