In the late 1960s my boy cousins were all about Star Trek. This was frustrating because, for the three years the show was on the air, our play would be...
The evil in the world can seem monstrous to us. That’s because we’re people of good will, or so we like to think. A short review of recent atrocities appears...
It’s the throwaway lines that capture us, the longer we hang around biblical territory. This is because our liturgy is based on a lectionary cycle that loops...
Why are they crying? Why cry now? It is the question I ask each time we’re confronted with the maudlin passage in Nehemiah, Chapter 8, where Israel stands...
The easiest goal to come up with is no goal at all. I can say this confidently, being a lifelong fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants sort of person. An old boyfriend...
Recently I arranged for a local charity to come pick up eight boxes of household items I was no longer using. The pile, stacked heavily on the porch, was...
Editors are the unsung heroes of culture. While some of their work amounts to fiddling with commas, they also make crucial decisions that affect the shape of...
I’m the sort of person who’s often described as a good listener. Actually, many “listeners” don’t hear much of what you say; we just hate to talk. So we learn...
This essay is the second in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the first part here. We turn to the Bible for guidance on many matters...
This essay is the first in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the second part here. It all started with a question: “Isn’t she supposed...