In the not too distant past, the sexual abuse of children was not seen for the terrible, unacceptable thing that it is. Often when it happened, not only in our...
Sex abuse
Almost a year after the Vatican removed now disgraced former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick from ministry and nearly five months after U.S. bishops met in...
Over the past several years, and again in recent months, I have found myself in church sanctuaries and academic auditoriums engaging in various events...
For Catholics, the summer of 2018 was dominated by the Pennsylvania grand jury report and revelations about Theodore McCarrick. As the summer of 2019 begins, I...
In the aftermath of the latest wave of revelations about clerical sexual abuse and episcopal malfeasance in the United States, now more than ever, Catholics...
This summer the revelations of past assault on children and harassment committed by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick roiled the U.S. church. Other exposés of abuses...
Nicholas Cafardi is a former chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People. 1...
On election night 2016, hands full of dirty dinner dishes, I tripped over a slightly ajar cabinet door and fell hard on my left knee, my right leg overextended...
“If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.” In the movie Spotlight, those words, spoken almost in passing by a victims’...
Spotlight (Open Road Films, 2015) Directed by Tom McCarthy Catholic audiences are all too familiar with the premise of the film Spotlight: Reporting by the...