As the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest to settle her young, My home is by your altars, LORD of hosts, my king and my God! Blessed are those who...
I didn’t realize that my 3-year-old likes popcorn. But more significantly, I didn’t realize that I didn’t know things about my 3-year-old. I was awakened to...
My favorite photo of my husband and son was taken in the early hazy days of parenthood when the latter was about 2 weeks old. It’s not a very good photo by...
As the oldest child in a large, conservative Catholic family, I was raised to believe that my purpose as a woman was to become a wife and mother. Caring for my...
The cliché—though it’s true—is that kids teach their parents far more than their parents teach them. I have found this most often to be the case in perspective...
When I was in college, I was late to the game in applying for campus work study positions, so I got stuck working in the fundraising call room. While I hated...
If you’re anything like me, your time spent in the confessional often features more than a little sinful déjà vu. No matter how frequently or infrequently I...
“Mommy, why aren’t you happy just the way God made you?!” When my 8-year-old daughter posed this query with tears streaming down her face, it was a punch to...
Don’t you just love it when someone tries to help you gain perspective—perhaps by pointing out the proverbial silver lining or sharing their own experienced...
A piece of wisdom that both my parents and in-laws infused in my wife and me is the paradox of choice: You are free to choose, but you are not free from the...