Whether by intention or not, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s choice of a papal name has meaning not only for Catholics. St. Francis of Assisi is a widely...
In 2005 in Chicago, a young woman was driving home from work and looked at the wall of an underpass where she saw an image of the Virgin Mary. For a short...
While absent Catholics have not yet stampeded back to Mass, Pope Francis has rekindled interest in the church almost solely on the basis of his immensely...
Rather than handing down bishops from on high, the church should listen to those on the ground when choosing its leaders. Sounding Boards are one...
In 1955, Pius XII reformed the liturgy to make foot washing part of the Holy Thursday Mass. Since the 14th century, it had been practiced in a separate liturgy...
The editors of U.S. Catholic interview Father Donald Senior, C.P., professor of New Testament Studies and president emeritus of Catholic Theological Union in...
What do we mean when we say that by Jesus’ suffering and death we are healed—a mystery if ever there was one? You might imagine that Father Donald Senior had...
The editors interview Father Leslie Hoppe, O.F.M. Adapted from an article that first appeared in the January 1991 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 56, No. 1, pages...
Holding hands (or not) is less important than praying in a “commonly bodily posture,” as the body of Christ. One of my first memories of Sunday Mass was my...
In honor of National Catholic Sisters Week—and may I just point out that the church celebrated an entire Year of the Priest in 2009—I would like to debunk the...