Natural Family Planning has come a long a way, baby. Not only does it meet the church’s moral standard for spacing births, it keeps a marriage going. I...
Catholic Voices
Catholics need to lighten up and see the bright side of sometimes being the butt of jokes. It wouldn’t hurt to laugh at ourselves once in a...
It's time for Uncle Sam to call a credit counselor. April is the cruelest month, T.S. Eliot famously wrote. I'm guessing Eliot penned that line...
Live-in couples are caught in a subculture of sex without commitment, says Father Andrew Greeley. But when they finally decide to get married, the church (and...
“The harvest comes because of the grain that dies.” One year shy of 30 years ago on March 24, 1980, standing before the altar of a small hospital...
Lent is a good time to call time-out on our First World feeding frenzy. "Eat the world” is the slogan of the food court at a high-end Magnificent...
Surviving grief, looking for a path back home The stillness of my apartment is deafening. I wake to the sun beating through my blinds and the drone of the air...
A hot dog tastes better when served with a side of justice. 'We answer to a higher authority” is the tagline for Hebrew National’s famously...
It can take a lifetime to step past a history of hurt, but 12 steps is a good way to start. When my young son asks me what God looks like, I want to tell him...
Now is not the time to rush World War II's pope to a place among the beatified. "But why now?" came the bewildered question from my fellow...