My wife asked me a week before school started this September if I had remembered to purchase my youngest child’s “school toolbox.” For the uninitiated, that’s...
Catholic Voices
The apparent murder of prominent Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi brought a renewed focus on U.S.-Saudi relations in October. Turkish investigators report that...
Aileen Carlin Giannelli died on September 8. By itself, that’s probably not something most readers are interested in. Statistically, perhaps as many as 46,000...
Fifty years ago this past July, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae (On the Regulation of Birth), which reaffirmed the church’s teaching...
During his weekly general audience last December, Pope Francis addressed the issue of punctuality at Mass. He said: “It is not a good habit to be looking at...
I’m living in a current epicenter of the Catholic Church’s clergy sex abuse scandal—Pittsburgh. Right now, I am going through all the questions I believe any...
Abiding by the law is a preeminent American value, yet a fixation with the letter of the law is often used to perpetuate injustice. Scripture says that law is...
In recent weeks, many have felt the faith on which we built our lives shifting beneath us, no longer sturdy rock but treacherous sand. And the conversations...
Sally has been a loyal employee at an autoparts refurbisher in the Northeast for nearly 11 years, and her smile and positive outlook had always been a source...
Les Johnson’s faith has taken him all over the world. He’s been to Lourdes in France, Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and even to Rome, where he met Pope...