In the Disney film Encanto, the Madrigal family’s story begins when Abuela and Abuelo flee civil war in their home country of Colombia. Abuelo sacrifices...
TV and film
Luca Directed by Enrico Casarosa (Disney/Pixar, 2021) With Disney/Pixar dominating mainstream theatrical releases for the past 20 years, you likely are not...
Midnight Mass Directed by Mike Flanagan (Netflix, 2021) The scariest thing about Midnight Mass isn’t the blood or creatures. It’s the people. The miniseries...
Ted Lasso is teaching boys how to be men and men how to be good people. Right there on television, where the opposite usually happens. The American...
Squid Game Created by Hwang Dong-hyuk (Netflix, 2021) The Second Vatican Council reminded all of the faithful that we must read and respond to the “signs of...
Water parks, swirling cameras, gospel choirs, mink coats, televangelists, and, at the center of it all, Tammy Faye. When the PTL (short for “Praise the Lord”)...
Did you know that if you’re a poor and unemployed single mother, before you can get any financial assistance from the government you must have a job? On top of...
It happens every year. The opening chords of Vince Guaraldi’s “O Tannenbaum” surprise me in a coffee shop or store. Notes dance around like falling snow and...
Building a Bridge Directed by Evan Mascagni and Shannon Post (Player Piano Productions, 2021) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, LGBTQ...
Trees have friends. Trees talk to each other and send over resources when a neighbor is in need. Trees nurture their children. Trees sound the alarm about...