On Tuesday evenings, a group of young adults streams into a storefront on Chicago’s North Side that doubles as an art gallery and events venue. They settle...
I write from New York City three weeks after life has been disrupted and upended in ways that I could never have imagined. The novel coronavirus and the threat...
On a Friday night in early April, a rare occurrence took place on the banks of Lake Superior. The beacon on Minnesota’s Split Rock lighthouse lit up the sky...
“Give us bread and give us roses.” —Slogan of female mill workers during what became known as the Bread and Roses Strike, Lawrence, Massachusetts, January 1912...
Voting can feel fraught for Catholics. Neither national party’s platform advances the full range of issues people of faith care about. A bright spot in the...
Last spring I made a spontaneous decision to observe Ramadan, the Muslim season of fasting and spiritual renewal. I did so after watching a news report of a...
Last Ash Wednesday Sister Angie Kolacinski, S.H. marked a cross of ashes on the foreheads of hundreds of adults and children who streamed into Holy Cross...
On the desk in my home study sit several objects that point to various aspects of my journey of faith. There is an icon depicting the raising of Lazarus, a...
The desert mothers and fathers have much to teach Catholics about contemplation and prayer. In the third- to sixth-century desert landscape of Egypt, Syria...
I have a new living organism—for lack of a better term—to feed in my house. It is my sourdough starter, a beige and pasty mix of wheat flour, water, and yeast...