For many people, the word capitalism conjures up a set of images focused on greed. The system is about a competition, with everyone seeking their own self...
Salt and Light
I have a personal confession: I am terrible at resting. I am reasonably good at making time for friends and fun outings, but I often do it at the expense of...
For many structural reasons, the United States has two large political parties. The parties talk about many different issues, but at least for the last 50...
“Repent, and believe in the gospel.” These two summonses, or better, invitations, are spoken over us as Christians are marked with ashes at the beginning of...
When I entered the office of a dear colleague recently, he had a poster set up on an easel. The school was promoting virtues on homemade posters, rather than...
As 2022 begins, despite strong desires to move on, the world still finds itself mired in pandemics. The fall semester was one of stark juxtaposition. On my...
The nature of work is changing. Between the impact of the pandemic and technology, we find ourselves at a crossroads regarding the nature of work in society...
My ministry focuses on speaking and writing about race and sexuality. Lately, in discussions after online lectures or webinars, I hear the following questions...
For many, 2021 has been a year of emerging from the unexpected conditions of the pandemic. Nearly everyone has a vivid experience of reconnecting, of taking...
“Why are people so mean?” asked my friend’s first grader last summer as we tried to explain what happened to George Floyd. As my friend’s children learned the...