In May 2014, well before we became Catholic, while my wife, Lauren, and I were living in England and as I was working on my Ph.D., we welcomed into the world...
For my family and so many others, 2020 has been the year of waiting. But even before the rest of the country entered the seemingly endless waiting game of the...
Jenn and John, parents of Clay, 19 months, never intentionally taught their son to say thanks. Yet one day, in the midst of a rather long babble of...
The first two things I’d teach my kids about God come from Hosea’s sandwich board. This prophet began his career with loud condemnation. His first sandwich...
As a Catholic, my faith teaches that I should do everything I can to defend and respect the dignity of every human person. The right to life of the unborn, our...
“To say that Helen was our aunt is accurate, in the way that saying that the sun is a star is accurate,” my second cousin Paul began. He stood at the pulpit...
Helping children grow into engaged, prayerful Catholics is a challenge every parent struggles with. So, the editors of U.S. Catholic compiled some favorite...
Even before Zoom became the primary medium of learning for children all around the country, education in the United States was becoming more virtual by the...
My child was born at the dawn of a global pandemic. He doesn’t know a world without a pandemic, just as I don’t know what child care is like in “ordinary” time...
Our faith is built upon the backs of many women. Mothers like Eve, Sarah, and Rachel taught us long before Mary’s remarkable fiat. Deborah and Esther, strong...