Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Father Benezet Bujo...
Church history
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. John Wilkens asks, What can...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, Dom Erwin Krautler...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, professor Phyllis...
Catholic teaching says that what's mine is yours when it comes to ownership of private property. Catholic social teaching used to be called the...
Fifty years after the game-changing Second Vatican Council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Here, Scott Appleby...
Fifty years after the game-changing council a new generation helps the church respond to today’s signs of the times. Rather than taking another nostalgic look...
In this article in the November 1966 issue of U.S. Catholic, German Jesuit Father Karl Rahner, one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the 20th...
Vatican II closed its sessions nearly four decades ago. Anyone who remembers the church before the council knows that the church has been radically changed in...
1. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium): The church is a mystery, or sacrament, the whole People of God, in whose service the hierarchy is...