After spending 20 years meditating on a number of visions, Julian of Norwich developed a deep understanding of God and produced her famous work, Revelations of...
The historic news that emerged from the ecclesial council held on February 11, 2013 was Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation. But that was not the day’s only...
About 10 years ago, Marla Fisher and her husband, Everett, were leaving their Pasadena, Texas ranch-style home for a weekend getaway. As Everett backed out of...
Bishop Robert Hermann is the man priests in St. Louis call when they encounter a parishioner who’s had a run-in with a ghost or evil spirit. Hermann is...
Years ago I worked summers on a farm in Michigan, near a fundamentalist Christian community. I didn’t know much about them other than that you didn’t want to...
In The Epic of Gilgamesh, viewed by many as the oldest surviving piece of literature in the world, parts of which date to two millennia before Christ, the hero...
No sooner did our new pontiff announce his name as Francis than some “prophecy experts” took to the airwaves, claiming that the new pope is “Peter the Roman,”...
To the millennial generation, the new pontiff’s actions are speaking just as loud as his words. “I’m so excited about Frank. He’s great,” says Katy Caldwell...
All three synoptic gospels tell the story of the transfiguration of Jesus (Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:3-13; Luke 9:28-36)—frequently a sign of the importance of an...
Pope Francis has put a “church of the poor” front and center. How should First World Christians respond to his invitation and challenge? Roberto S. Goizueta...