Thoughts and prayers—such is the typical response to tragedy in the United States of America. It is an especially common refrain after the death of innocents...
In the days and weeks since the killing of George Floyd and the protests for racial justice in all 50 states, lists have circulated of books, articles, and...
I am the father of two boys. Like all children, they sometimes cause harm without intending to do so. When they were very young, my wife and I would tell them:...
Many people are familiar with the Book of Genesis referring to humanity’s “dominion” over the earth (1:28). We often misunderstand this to mean we humans have...
You can’t talk about the church without stories, says Natalia Imperatori-Lee, a theologian and professor of religious studies at Manhattan College. In other...
When it comes to enemies, we rarely think twice. Our response is emotional and reflexive. If something comes from them, we’re against it. Whatever it is...
All they wanted, to be honest, was lunch. Many of these folks had come the day before. That was the day Jesus took a small boy’s picnic sack and served 5,000...
Talking about faith and plastic together seems like talking about apples and oranges. Or two even further extremes: maybe apples and giraffes. But for Sasha...
In the Good Friday intercessions, we don’t pray for “perfidious Jews” or for the “conversion of the Jews” anymore. Those sentiments were removed half a century...
Some Catholic traditions are strange. After all, our “big tent” of traditions includes relics—oftentimes the body parts of saints—apparitions, weeping statues...