I have not been to Mass or any in-person prayer since March. My parish reopened with limited occupancy, but I do not feel comfortable attending any inside...
Catholic Voices
The reports started trickling in soon after the novel coronavirus pandemic provoked lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders that frequently meant whole nations...
It started as a typical Sunday in the late 1960s as my family made our way to attend Mass at St. Leo’s Church in Milwaukee’s central city. But a...
In the summer of 1966, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Soldier Field in Chicago to a crowd of nearly 30,000 people, saying, “We are tired of being lynched...
Wealthy countries around the world are digging deep to mitigate the worst impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: disbursing grants to businesses and corporations...
Unprecedented demonstrations that followed the killing of 46-year-old George Floyd in Minneapolis began as a shock to the national system but have shown a...
Walk slowly, and bow often. Mary Oliver nestles this sage piece of advice in the middle of her poem “When I Am Among the Trees.” It’s a poem I committed to...
During the late spring of this unforgettable year, the United States became embroiled in a debate over how to respond to the novel coronavirus pandemic...
In 2001 I celebrated my first Mass as pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Kingston, Jamaica. The church was filled with music, fellowship, and...
If you’re a regular consumer of media, you’ve surely reached your saturation point of hot takes on the cultural implications of the novel coronavirus. Within...