It is called the Church of the Holy Family, and this is most evident at Christmas. The pews are jammed with families—some broken, some evolving, some dearly...
Women in the church
They crowd together in the narrow kitchen—septuagenarians and octogenarians, Millennials and Generation Zs—preparing lunch for guests in an El Paso house of...
The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger was a defining moment for my generation. We remember where we were when the shuttle exploded on January 28, 1986...
In 2016 news broke that in 1838 Jesuits from Maryland sold nearly 300 slaves to help pay off debts for Georgetown University (then Georgetown College). While...
Hundreds of Catholic sisters and young women discerning their vocation come from all over the United States, and even from other parts of the world, to serve...
My friend Teresa tells an endearing story of her second-grade self beaming with pride as she returned home from school one day carrying a picture of St...
It’s late morning on the Tuesday of Holy Week. I’m fumbling around my desk when an email flashes across the computer screen. “homily partner?” reads the...
It’s so often the women, it seems. Since that first Sunday morning when the myrrh-bearing women made their way to the tomb, it’s so often the women. The ones...
I was born in a Little Italy in upstate New York, where my aunt and uncle ran a small grocery and a large apartment building. When I was 5, my uncle gave me a...
I believe in the communion of saints. These words take flesh in the early morning quiet of my apartment. I sink into the worn recliner and flip open my Bible...