“Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, heasked his disciples, ‘Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’ ”(Matt. 16:13) My...
Less than a year after retiring, Joseph Sclafani went right back to work. He knew that his 30 years of obstetric experience could make a major impact in a...
San Francisco–based artist Stefan Salinas, whose webcomic The Sacramental Father Dom tracks the everyday life of a priest, never doubted his vocation. “From as...
Growing up as one of four brothers in a family that was active in our parish, it was difficult to attend Mass or another church function without a random...
Most of what I read about the topic of vocation strikes me as trite and cliché. “Listen to your inner voice.” “Follow God’s call.” “Allow yourself to be led by...
Father Matthew Schneider had a “pretty normal Catholic upbringing,” he says. His family went to Mass on Sundays, he attended Catholic school, and he was an...
Once I filled out the online survey, the flood began: Apparently I had not been discerning enough in my responses to the survey questions, because I think...
It is an old saw that a liberal education is a value in and of itself, but when students are asked to matriculate with a lifetime of debt, can anyone honestly...
Sullivan McCormick paced the sidewalk for 10 minutes before he had the courage to stop. Finally, leaning next to a fire hydrant on a street corner in...
For those discerning the priesthood and religious life, celibacy is often one of the main barriers to entry. I spent the latter half of my undergraduate career...