Editors are the unsung heroes of culture. While some of their work amounts to fiddling with commas, they also make crucial decisions that affect the shape of...
New Revised Standard Version, the King James Bible, the Douay-Rheims, The Message—do we really need yet another translation of the New Testament? David Bentley...
I’m the sort of person who’s often described as a good listener. Actually, many “listeners” don’t hear much of what you say; we just hate to talk. So we learn...
This essay is the second in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the first part here. We turn to the Bible for guidance on many matters...
This essay is the first in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the second part here. It all started with a question: “Isn’t she supposed...
Growing up, Pentecost was a big deal in my parish, with a large outdoor youth Mass and barbecue. One by one we would put our prayer intentions for the year...
Scripture is proclaimed on Sunday according to a schedule of passages called a lectionary. For Roman Catholics it is the Lectionary for Mass and for many other...
Who is God for you? Probably not the deity to whom you were introduced in childhood. Nor the one whose contours you memorized in religious education. God is...
The fairy tale pushed by bedtime stories, Disney movies, and traditional values in general is that we grow up, find that special someone, marry, and have...
“Who’s your hero?” I asked the dozen faces in front of me. It was the first session of a new year of religious education. I like to shake up the kids with the...