My family attended an inner-city parish in Akron, Ohio as I was growing up. This was a poor, white-ethnic parish whose aging parishioners had remained despite...
Racial Justice
On June 17, 2015, a 21-year-old white man, Dylann Roof, killed nine black people as they said prayers, sang hymns, and studied the Bible in a Charleston, South...
The South Side By Natalie Y. Moore (St. Martin’s Press, 2016) To many outsiders, the South Side of Chicago is characterized by a constant stream of violence...
Recently, Fordham University sponsored an interfaith prayer service for racial justice. The catalysts for this event were the ongoing police-involved killings...
Note to readers: This feature was originally published in our June 1998 issue. While some of the statistics may be out of date, it is alarming how much of the...
Summers in Chicago are violent. It’s not the whole story of the City of Big Shoulders, but it’s one no resident can escape. By July of this year...
I spend much of my time speaking to different groups of people throughout the country. As a black Catholic theologian, one of less than a half dozen in this...
Editors’ note: This interview originally appeared in our March 1983 issue. In this interview with U.S. Catholic staff, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Teresita...
Editors’ note: Last year, we at U.S. Catholic interviewed Tobias Winright about police militarization and his theological reflection on the violence and unrest...
Tobias Winright’s first exposure to the life of a police officer came from a somewhat unlikely source: his mother. After his parents divorced when he was 10...