Several years ago, my brother and I found ourselves in the throes of that middle-aged rite of passage—the clearing out of our parents’ house—not long after...
While nurses continue to wheel patients with suspected COVID-19 infections into the ICU, Dr. Felix and his team frantically try to stabilize a patient brought...
As a new parent, I received all kinds of advice. While I have no doubt that the admonitions, ranging from “enjoy every minute” to “take time for yourself,”...
“I would hear white students use the n-word freely.” “Sophomore year, the professor assumed that because I was Black, I attended an inner-city school and grew...
Sister of Saint Joseph of Peace Susan Francois grew up knowing that the Catholic faith is connected to making the world a better place, but she probably didn’t...
In 2016 Marge had three types of cancer. Although the multiple surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy, and months spent sitting through the unknown are many...
As a kid growing up in Southern California, I’d pull out the little, red portable record player from under my bed and play one of my favorite records, Music...
In the Good Friday intercessions, we don’t pray for “perfidious Jews” or for the “conversion of the Jews” anymore. Those sentiments were removed half a century...
Remember February? That was the month before pandemic ensued. Before the social fabric was made into confetti, tossed in the air, and fluttered back together...
My friend Teresa tells an endearing story of her second-grade self beaming with pride as she returned home from school one day carrying a picture of St...