Getting dressed. Going to work. Enjoying dinner with friends or family. Celebrating an engagement. These are just a few of the moments a new documentary...
Margin Notes
If all your tools come out of the Department of Defense budget then all your solutions look like SEAL raids and drone strikes. The nation’s new National...
Practicing Catholics the world over understand the importance of giving up something for Lent. The typical Lenten sacrifice includes perennial favorites such...
In a distinguished career as special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights for the United Nations, Australian Philip Alston has visited some of the...
It’s hard to argue that the arrival of Europeans in the Americas was anything other than a disaster for indigenous people. The numbers are disputed, but the...
Rosa Maria Hernandez is a 10-year-old girl from Laredo, Texas. She has cerebral palsy and was on the verge of being deported to a nation she has never known...
The images of human suffering before nature’s impassive course were riveting, if heartbreaking. After days of torrential rains, thousands were in flight from...
Lord knows that around the world there is no lack of opportunities for peacemaking. We don’t have to go looking overseas for conflicts to resolve; within our...
President Trump frequently spoke of urban America during his campaign as a “disaster.” In his imagination U.S. cities are mired in 1970s-era crime...
What is the word for the emotion you experience when someone you have admired deeply behaves in a manner that is the crushing inverse of what you had come to...