April proved to be an incredibly cruel month for economic and political refugees attempting to escape conflict and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa...
Margin Notes
Why has the church gone silent in the face of recent attacks on organized labor? Indiana’s bishops recently issued a letter deploring the continuing poverty in...
Even in the bleakest winter months, the hope of Easter is always on the horizon. This winter, as another blizzard was lumbering toward snow-banked New England...
Though his critics persist, Óscar Romero’s martyrdom has finally been recognized. Just before Robert White was dispatched as U.S. ambassador to El Salvador in...
Calling police to deal with people suffering from mental illness is a recipe for disaster. Recent police shootings of African Americans, including a 12-year...
As the rich get richer, the growing inequality poses a wealth of problems. Last year Oxfam International released the results of its analysis of global wealth...
This holiday season, turn down the thermostat and give peace a chance. The season of the prince of peace is upon us once again, yet the world seems aswirl with...
Want to cast a vote for democracy? Stand up and be counted on Election Day. If you are among the less than 50 percent of registered voters expected to make the...
Let’s stop big corporations from playing hunger games with our food production. As summer fades into true autumn this month, World Food Day (October 16)...
The current wave of child migration really began on our side of the border. The border crisis, a pileup of humanity—including women with children and record...