For physician Lester Ruppersberger, being a doctor is more than a job. It’s how he lives out his faith. An OB/GYN for more than three decades, Ruppersberger is...
Health and wellness
Jennifer, mother of two school-aged boys, finds that parenting is fraught with anxiety. “I am doomed because I come from a long line of worriers,” she says. “I...
Midway through Magnolia’s baptism, Deacon Lindell said it was time for an exorcism. Though once a routine part of the baptismal rite, exorcisms aren’t included...
I was recently asked whether Catholic schools are morally obliged to require vaccination. My answer is a resounding “Yes.” Catholic and, indeed, all Christian...
The well-known international aid group Save the Children offered up an unusual Mother’s Day present this year. Instead of buying flowers, it issued a warning...
What do you picture when you hear the term “drug addict”? Most likely the first image you think of isn’t someone in your community, your...
In January, McDonald’s ran a TV spot for the Big Mac. It ridiculed foods currently popular with gourmands, including kale. “All vegetarians, foodies, and...
An assignment to write a feature on male spirituality overlaps with a serious medical diagnosis, surgery, and an unexpected awakening. It was more than a year...
The Catholic Church has long had a major role in providing care to the sick. But what does Catholic identity look like on the new frontiers of modern health...
Calling police to deal with people suffering from mental illness is a recipe for disaster. Recent police shootings of African Americans, including a 12-year...