Purchasing your food should be a decision that’s about something besides convienence and price. Where and how you purchase your food can have widespread...
Directed by Stephanie Soechtig (Atlas Films, 2014) Here are two telling facts from Fed Up, a documentary on American childhood obesity now on DVD: 1. Eighty...
Let’s stop big corporations from playing hunger games with our food production. As summer fades into true autumn this month, World Food Day (October 16)...
Directed by Lasse Hallström (Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures, 2014) The sights and sounds—and tastes—of Mumbai, India fill the screen in...
According to Catholic Rural Life, what we eat is a moral issue. How do we use an informed conscience to make moral eating decisions? 1. By placing an emphasis...
The year 2009 was a particularly challenging one for independent farmers like Teri Rosendahl. With the global financial crisis in full swing, small family...
In the last half century, food eaters and food providers in the United States have prioritized food quantity, the “all-you-can-eat” model, over food quality...
Genetic modification has yielded major changes in the way we grow our food, but concerns are cropping up over whether a bigger harvest means a better—or...
When poor diets caused too many early deaths in an urban community, a solution came from an unlikely source—the local mortician. As a 61-year-old mortician...
“We’ve gotten away from the real meaning of food, and the power of food,” Michael Pollan told us in a December 2013 interview. The famous food author has...