This year I did something I swore I would never do: I ditched the parish pledge envelopes and signed up for automatic deduction. For years I had been committed...
Economic justice
Denise Vasquez awoke one night in November 2015, slumped over in a chair after drinking at least a gallon of vodka. She knew she had to either find more...
President Trump frequently spoke of urban America during his campaign as a “disaster.” In his imagination U.S. cities are mired in 1970s-era crime...
A few months ago an immigrant family, including three children, sat outside my church at the conclusion of the 9 a.m. Mass with a sign begging for money:...
I learned more the time my sophomore floor mates and I tried pulling an all-nighter than I did in an entire semester of Statistics 101. With all due...
For just about any modern industrial society, a 4.3 percent unemployment rate would be something to celebrate. That’s the level the United States hit in May, a...
Most of us devote little thought to ocean-borne shipping. Yet it plays an enormous role in our lives, as around 90 percent of everything that needs to go from...
Figuring discretionary spending the better part of valor, President Trump and the U.S. Congress avoided another potential government shutdown in April and...
“Purchasing is always a moral—and not simply an economic—act,” said Pope Francis, quoting from Benedict XVI’s 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Charity in...
Strolling your supermarket aisles, you have one eye on your family’s food needs for the week and another on whatever bargains you may be able to pull off the...