Armed with soil and seeds, Catholics in blighted cities are taking social justice into their own hands. In Camden, New Jersey a jumble of railroad tracks...
Ecological justice
Practical, hands-on actions are the best way for individuals and faith communities to put their faith into action, says the Michigan Catholic Rural Life...
Genesis’ second chapter tells a story of how God planted a garden, then created human beings to till it. The reason is obvious: Gardens are a lot of work, so...
The modern world threatens the existence of a small group of our own species. Multinational mining interests, illegal logging, and slash-and-burn agriculture...
Caring for the environment is a moral issue, a Catholic leader said in a recent speech shared with U.S. Catholic. The basis of Catholic concern over climate...
The energy policy of the future should be sung to the tune of “Here Comes the Sun.” Events out of Japan persist in an irradiated gloom. The disaster unfolding...
It’s not as difficult—or expensive—as you might think to build a green parish. Church design is evolving as people reawaken to the ancient wisdom that...
The age of the universe alone requires us to talk about creation and Christ in new language. “The whole cosmos, from the big bang on, is that Word of God being...
A group of young people in the Bronx finds that by beautifying an old eyesore, they’ve unleashed a desire to serve their community. David Shuffler walks...
It’s time to get the petroleum monkey off our backs. I recently looked around me to catalog all the things made from oil. The plastics in and of...