
Special Section: National Catholic Sisters Week


This week (March 8-14, 2014) marks the inaugural National Catholic Sisters Week, a way to shine a light on women religious—past and present—and their good works in social change, women’s leadership, health care, education, and the church.

St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, is leading the promotion of the initiative, offering events all week long to recognize these sisters and to spark interest in women of future generations to become women religious.

They are also providing resources you can download to help kick-start your own National Catholic Sisters Week event to honor the sisters who have made a difference in your community.

We’re contributing at U.S. Catholic by highlighting the following articles that were written by or are about sisters.

Happy National Catholic Sisters Week!
Sewing hope with Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe
by Catherine O’Connell-Cahill
This Ugandan sister is a surrogate mom to the “Lost Girls” of her nation, restoring their sense of dignity after their years in a living nightmare.

Debunking five myths about nuns
by Susan Quaintance, O.S.B.
Not all women religious are the same—and not everything people believe about them is the truth. Here are some popular beliefs about sisters that need a closer look.

We were called Sister
by Sister Joan Sauro, C.S.J.
Much has changed about religious life but at its heart the mission remains the same.

From piety to politics: The evolution of an American sister
an interview with Sister Nancy Sylvester, I.H.M.
When she entered religious life, Sister Nancy Sylvester, I.H.M. expected to get a habit and a new name. Instead she got a call to action.

Renew dialogue with women religious
by Sister Florence Deacon, O.S.F.
With the church at a crossroads, Catholics look to Pope Francis for guidance. LCWR president Sister Florence Deacon hopes the church rebuilds bridges with women religious.

Women on a mission: We should join the “nuns” in their care for the poor
by Bryan Cones
When the church gets you down, you can always serve the poor.

Sister Pat battles the board: How women religious are protecting consumers
by Kristen Hannum
To protect consumers and the environment, women religious lead the growing movement that’s taking on powerful corporations—one share at a time.

It’s time to take our medicine
an interview with Sister Carol Keehan, D.C.
Health care reform is about more than reducing insurance premiums, says this Catholic health care executive. It’s about caring for the sick.

Character witnesses: Readers defend the sisters
by Heidi Schlumpf
If U.S. women religious need voices in their defense, U.S. Catholic readers are happy to testify. Not only do they sing the praises of sisters who have taught and continue to inspire them, they are asking their own questions about the Vatican investigation.

Open space: God and silence
by Sister Sheryl Frances Chen, O.C.S.O
Emptiness. Silence. Distance. It takes a while to learn God’s peculiar language.

Female and Catholic
an interview with Sister Mary Luke Tobin, S.L.
According to Sister Mary Luke Tobin, S.L., Catholic women don’t want to receive an award for best supporting actress if they’re not allowed to help play the lead roles.

Humble piety: Sister Jeanne Jugan
by Joel Schorn
The road to sainthood is difficult, but newly canonized Jeanne Jugan knew that patience would bring otherworldly success.

Image: Flickr photo cc by Ben Eekhof Fotografie