Cristo predicó poner la otra mejilla, haciendo el bien a los que nos persiguen, y amar a nuestros enemigos. En el Sermón de la Montaña, nos recordó que los...
Author - Stephen Schneck
In the 1960s, the grandfather of modern American conservatism, William F. Buckley, popularized the slogan, “Don’t immanentize the eschaton!” Aimed then at...
Entre 2015 y 2020, el gobierno estatal o federal ejecutó a 136 personas en los Estados Unidos. Incluso si los juicios sobre su culpabilidad fueran correctos...
From 2015–2020, 136 people were executed by state or federal government in the United States. Even if judgments of their guilt were correct, is death an...
This summer, I joined hundreds of other Catholics in pro-life demonstrations around the White House. We were there to bear witness to the nation as faithful...
Christ preached turning the other cheek, doing good to those who persecute you, and loving your enemies. At the Sermon on the Mount, he reminded us that the...
Easter morning, I got a text from a reporter who covers religion for the Washington Post. She had seen a Tweet from me the day before about an Easter letter...
“The Body of Christ . . .” In early September of 2012, Cardinal Donald Wuerl looked pointedly at me as he offered holy communion on the high altar of the...
Next Tuesday, November 7, 2017, is election day across America. Because of our places along the spectrum of American voters, Catholics again have a pivotal...