Did Jesus have a real job? This is the question behind “was Jesus a carpenter”—which sounds a bit dismissive: as if teaching, preaching, and...
In the Gospel of Luke an angel visits a young woman in Nazareth named Mary and asks if she will bear the Messiah. Mary says yes. Then, presto! Mary becomes...
Along with almsgiving and prayer, fasting is a central Lenten practice. More recently, fasting has emerged as a popular secular dieting practice too. Thanks to...
Rev. Angela N. Parker is a womanist New Testament scholar at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. The refrain “I can’t breathe” is a rallying cry for...
When Tony Calumet landed in Nome, Alaska in September 2020, he whispered a prayer: “If this is what you want, God, you’re going to have to help me.” At nearly...
Family life isn’t perfect. Still, most of us would prefer life with our families than without them. By family, I mean the original context of persons to whom...
People seeking a saint’s intercession to help with their love lives might appeal to St. Valentine, but he’s not the only saint available for relationship...
The game of “If” is popular among children, and not a few adults indulge in it as well. If I had a million dollars—so the most familiar version begins—then I...
When Justina Hausmann Kopp found out she was pregnant with quadruplets, the joy of conceiving a child now carried with it a daunting new dimension. “I had to...
Partially nude bikini shot? #Blessed. Christmas card professional photoshoot where the laughing family wearing matching chambray shirts is piled on a couch in...