In The Epic of Gilgamesh, viewed by many as the oldest surviving piece of literature in the world, parts of which date to two millennia before Christ, the hero...
No sooner did our new pontiff announce his name as Francis than some “prophecy experts” took to the airwaves, claiming that the new pope is “Peter the Roman,”...
To the millennial generation, the new pontiff’s actions are speaking just as loud as his words. “I’m so excited about Frank. He’s great,” says Katy Caldwell...
All three synoptic gospels tell the story of the transfiguration of Jesus (Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:3-13; Luke 9:28-36)—frequently a sign of the importance of an...
Pope Francis has put a “church of the poor” front and center. How should First World Christians respond to his invitation and challenge? Roberto S. Goizueta...
A seminary pal of mine once remarked that he had no difficulty believing that Christ is present in holy communion. What he did question was the proposition...
If Catholics know anything at all about the Bible, we know that there are four gospels. But every so often, a newly discovered ancient text hits the headlines...
A number of pressing issues face the new leader of the Catholic Church. Eight experts offer their advice on the best way forward. Cardinal Jorge Mario...
With the church at a crossroads, Catholics look to Pope Francis for guidance. Bishop Kevin Dowling advises the pope to restore power to the people. What should...
When I was a teenager, I took a religious education correspondence course from the Paulist Fathers. They would send me booklets to read, and at the end of them...