Ask just about any anti-poverty advocate about the worst scourges on the nation’s poor, and without fail you will hear about the $7.4 billion payday loan...
Catholic Voices
To quote my mother, “The world is going to hell in a handbasket.” And if current events are any indication, Mom may be right. On August 12, 2017, a young...
For most of my childhood I was a little bit afraid of my father, a stranger who didn’t arrive home from his downtown office until after 6 p.m. and who then...
There are many ways my husband and I differ, but perhaps the most significant is that I come from a family prone to spontaneous outbursts of song while he...
Getting dressed. Going to work. Enjoying dinner with friends or family. Celebrating an engagement. These are just a few of the moments a new documentary...
Let me tell you about Maria. Maria is a white woman in her late 50s who cleans toilets at a major sports arena. She lugs three bulky duffel bags bursting with...
If all your tools come out of the Department of Defense budget then all your solutions look like SEAL raids and drone strikes. The nation’s new National...
“Your sons and daughters will prophesy . . .” (Acts 2:17). I write this when hundreds of thousands of middle and high school students across the nation joined...
The holiest of weeks began in procession, then and now. At some point we exchanged dirt roads and donkeys for concrete sidewalks and poster board, but the...
Practicing Catholics the world over understand the importance of giving up something for Lent. The typical Lenten sacrifice includes perennial favorites such...