“If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.” In the movie Spotlight, those words, spoken almost in passing by a victims’...
Arts & Culture
Brooklyn Directed by John Crowley (Fox Searchlight, 2015) Within the first 10 minutes of Brooklyn, it is clear that the film’s lead, Eilis (Saoirse...
When Girls made its debut on HBO in 2012, critics labeled the show’s creator Lena Dunham the voice of a generation. The response to Netflix’s Master of None...
Song of a Christian Sufi By Marietta Bahri Della Penna (Anamchara Books, 2014) Is it possible to be both Christian and Sufi? Marietta Bahri Della Penna proves...
Divers Joanna Newsom (Drag City, 2015) In Grand Rapids, Michigan there is a record store that is, to borrow the language of my younger nieces, total...
In 2012, exactly two weeks after Trayvon Martin was shot to death for being young and black and wearing a hoodie, I sat in a dark theater watching children as...
I think a lot of about food. I check out books from the library about the history of particular food cultures and flip through magazines devoted to covering...
Pale Horses mewithoutyou (Run for Cover Records, 2015) mewithoutYou’s newest album is brass and bizarre—and biblical. The progressive...
An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York’s Irish and Italians By Paul Moses (NYU Press, 2015) Al Capone, Mother Cabrini, Mayor Jimmy Walker, and...
You know how parents claim they could never truly understand X, Y, or Z until they had children of their own? I’ve always hated that. Given that my husband and...