The latest Marvel blockbuster, Avengers: Age of Ultron, predictably packed them in when it opened in May. In this latest chapter of the superhero series, the...
War and peace
During the Second Battle of Fallujah in November 2004, 1st Lt. Jesse A. Grapes saved the lives of three wounded marines in his platoon by entering a burning...
Directed by Yann Demange (Roadside Attractions, 2015) The political thriller ’71 opens with soldiers training in the English countryside to be deployed...
April proved to be an incredibly cruel month for economic and political refugees attempting to escape conflict and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa...
The ISIS blitzkrieg into northern Iraq last summer and the subsequent decimation of one of the oldest Christian communities of the church—coupled with the so...
The news lately seems unrelentingly grim, a constant litany of outrageous violence committed by those bent upon instilling fear. Considering the daily violence...
Even if you empathize with the film’s main character, American Sniper is still a one-sided tale of what some call America’s greatest foreign policy disaster. A...
Even in the bleakest winter months, the hope of Easter is always on the horizon. This winter, as another blizzard was lumbering toward snow-banked New England...
By Terrence J. Rynne (Orbis, 2014) For the first four centuries of Christianity, it was widely accepted among Christians that to follow Jesus Christ meant to...
Our military men and women deserve the best protection, both in and out of combat. In 2011, 28 U.S. veterans filed Cioca v. Rumsfeld, a class action lawsuit...