In our pampered society, Christianity is not an easy sell. Try offering today’s Christians honor, responsibility, generosity, forgiveness. Try offering...
I had never heard of Father Augustus Tolton until I took a course in black Catholic history at Xavier University in New Orleans. I did not know that he had...
Debt can become a large obstacle for students who are considering a call to religious life. A study from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at...
Sister Nancy Sylvester has grown accustomed to the fact that life often takes unexpected turns. When Sylvester entered the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate...
When she entered religious life, Sister Nancy Sylvester, I.H.M. expected to get a habit and a new name. Instead she got a call to action. As Nancy Sylvester...
Who says that all the top positions in the church need to go to priests and bishops? The parish I grew up in, like many Catholic churches before it, had two...
When Father William Meninger left his post in the Diocese of Yakima, Washington in 1963 to join the Trappists at St. Joseph Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts, he...
We lay off teachers and nurses while we hire for prisons, casinos, and fracking. This is progress? At least once a week in my daily newspaper I see a full page...
Stuck in the job hunt with seemingly few prospects? Maybe your parish can offer some advice. Peter Durek had lost all hope. For the six months after he...
As president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services, Carolyn Woo brings a strong sense of leadership and vision to the organization, which was founded by the U.S...