Every summer, my father planted huge gardens that yielded the food our family lived on for much of the year. And every summer my sister and I were pressed into...
The Examined Life
My favorite photo of my husband and son was taken in the early hazy days of parenthood when the latter was about 2 weeks old. It’s not a very good photo by...
Until a few months ago, a tidal wave of noise flooded my apartment most evenings. NPR’s talking heads spouted off as I made dinner. A rotation of comedians...
“In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men...
My mom kept a plastic bottle of holy water by the front door of our home and another on the bureau in my parents’ bedroom. Every day she would use the water to...
I recently helped a friend move some exercise equipment. Mighty heavy exercise equipment to be precise. Exercise equipment that had to be taken apart in one...
As a child, my siblings and I eagerly anticipated Christmas. Poring through the Sears catalogue, we wrote our letters to Santa and composed our lists to give...
Grandma knows. She sits still at the end of her cream leather couch, legs wrapped in a Green Bay Packers blanket, eyes tuned to the television screen. A...
In the days following the fall of the Afghan government in mid-August, I found myself riveted by the photojournalism coming out of Kabul—desperate people...
“Free: spinach dip from Jewel. Bought last week and tried it but don’t like it.” The above post caught my eye as I was scrolling through Facebook one day. Who...