
Somos familia

It’s impossible to fully understand God. So humans come up with metaphors to try to explain our conviction of a loving God who holds us in community with each...

A brush with injustice

I have philosophical conversations with my dentist while he cleans my teeth. It’s no small task to attempt to be profound with a hook in your mouth, but Dr...

An invitation to leisure

Toys are strewn across the living room, the sticky remains of morning snack and lunch coat the kitchen floor, and a writing deadline looms. I take a deep...

Prayer from scratch

Growing up, I spent one week every summer with my grandparents in upstate New York. It was a week full of traditions and rituals that were repeated year after...

Women full of grace

A few years ago Sarah Keene found herself at Mass on Mother’s Day quite by accident. She had forgotten what day it was, and she and her husband, who had...