The poorest 50 percent of Americans are struggling with flat or falling income levels, negligible net worth, and bleak prospects. How did this happen? And what...
Economic justice
As a Glenmary priest, I’ve lived in Appalachia for 40 years. I’ve found that understanding social justice issues concerning the area and its people...
I have a friend who is a permanent deacon. He’s a former Marine, and though he is wonderfully kind, he can also turn on his military face and voice to let you...
As the rich get richer, the growing inequality poses a wealth of problems. Last year Oxfam International released the results of its analysis of global wealth...
Creating a culture of encounter requires more than just organizing drives. It might even mean learning a name or two. About 10 years ago, during a college...
A little more than a year into his papacy, Pope Francis seems to be speaking loudest about economic injustice, alternatively denouncing “trickle-down”...
Want to see “the other America”? Just keep your eyes peeled the next time you stay in a hotel. Marta cleaned my hotel room when I attended a recent conference...
We’ve trickle-downed our way to shocking income inequality and a sluggish economy. Now it’s time for a reality check. Sounding Board is one person’s take on a...
Meet the woman who makes Walmart’s low-priced clothes. She works 10-hour days for $103 per month. And her factory is one of the good ones. Amid the bustle of...
Should a librarian have any less of a right to unionize than an auto worker or a nurse? In 1981 my grandmother, a librarian, became a union organizer. The...