Wholly God’s: Poems By Philip C. Kolin (Wind & Water Press, 2021) It has been said that the Eucharist is the most perfect metaphor because it is the only...
Books and literature
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice By Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. (Anamchara Books, 2021) “Jesuit Patrick Saint-Jean offers us a way to heal our battered...
My first encounter with Oscar Wilde was probably much the same as yours: I was assigned The Importance of Being Earnest in high school English class. I read...
Who am I going to be anymore? Antonia had asked. . . . No longer a teacher at the college, no longer volunteering and serving on half a dozen boards, no longer...
Called: A Memoir By Mark Redmond (Onion River Press, 2021) I cannot think of a better example of someone truly living their life’s vocation than Mark Redmond...
Islamophobia By Jordan Denari Duffner (Orbis Books, 2021) With the publication of Islamophobia, Jordan Denari Duffner makes an important contribution to an...
When searching the shelves for Bibles and gospel storybooks to share with children, we encounter shelves full of hundreds of brilliantly colored books with...
The Diary of Jesus Christ By Bill Cain, S.J. (Orbis Books, 2021) Rather than seeing the imagination as something childish or illusory, St. Ignatius of Loyola...
The Five Wounds By Kirstin Valdez Quade (W. W. Norton & Company, 2021) It’s Holy Week in the small town of Las Penas, New Mexico, and unemployed Amadeo...
What if cinema can kindle our hermeneutical impulse so that we are able to imagine women disciples gathered around Jesus’ table, and walking shoulder to...