Heartland is a family show without corruption or treachery, a cowboy show that focuses on women, and a western show set not in the United States but in...
Author - Pamela Hill Nettleton
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, work-life balance was a term corporations used to lure new hires but an evasive concept to operationalize in day-to-day cubicle...
The priest, robed in red, processes down the aisle to the church entrance and removes his mask—though he won’t be speaking. An assistant presider holds open a...
A century and a half ago, Jules Verne wrote Around the World in Eighty Days, and readers began to imagine that the world might be shrinking a wee bit. The new...
At first, Molly Burhans thought she’d be a ballet dancer. It had been her dream through middle school, her focus in high school, and her major in college—until...
Ted Lasso is teaching boys how to be men and men how to be good people. Right there on television, where the opposite usually happens. The American...
Trees have friends. Trees talk to each other and send over resources when a neighbor is in need. Trees nurture their children. Trees sound the alarm about...
Best Summer Ever (available on Hoopla and to buy or rent on streaming platforms) is a predictable summer film about adolescent yearning and intrigue, an homage...
“True Facts,” little bitty animal movies, are treasures of bug and bird and bat lore. They are laugh-out-loud delightful, thanks to Ze Frank, their witty...
It’s so nice to visit England. It’s even more delightful to time travel back to the years before the Second World War, remembered nostalgically through the...