Jesus never missed an opportunity to turn a meal into a meaningful encounter. He had a deep awareness of the transformative capacity of sharing food. Some of...
Author - John Christman
Years ago, I noticed an unexpected phenomenon. I had recently moved to New York, and on my afternoon rush hour commute I saw people eating as they rode in the...
Religious orders offer a unique way of living out one’s faith and contributing to the mission of the church. Each is a calling not suited to everyone. But for...
I Pray for My Enemies Joy Harjo (Joy Harjo, 2021) In tumultuous times, to whom do we go for wisdom? In many cultures, poets, elders, and religious figures are...
Who were you before you were born? Who will you be after you die? In church circles the responses to these questions might quickly move in the direction of...
Readings (Year C): Sirach 27:4-7Psalm 92:2-3, 13-161 Corinthians 15:54-58Luke 6:39-45 Reflection: Stay rooted in relationship with God Have you ever picked a...
Saving Grace By Kirsten Powers (Convergent Books, 2021) To say that grace is in desperately short supply in our public discourse is one thing. To delve into...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: My friend wants to take me to a Buddhist prayer service. Is it OK to go? —Interfaith Inquirer A:...
Hey What Low (Sub Pop Records, 2021) Creative freedom, vision, collaboration, and discipline: These are very difficult things to hold together, especially when...
Water parks, swirling cameras, gospel choirs, mink coats, televangelists, and, at the center of it all, Tammy Faye. When the PTL (short for “Praise the Lord”)...