It’s been more than a decade and a half since Catholics around the world converged on St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City for the solemn funeral Mass of St...
In my years of counseling, teaching, and working alongside Catholics of all ages through parish work and hospital chaplaincy, I’ve come to realize that a...
A lot can be said in celebration of the binary. It’s an ancient system of organization, dividing reality into complementary or contradictory halves. Think...
The default position is that Catholics should not be denied communion except for a serious reason. The Code of Canon Law states, “Sacred ministers cannot deny...
Eighty years ago C. S. Lewis wrote The Problem of Pain. The title makes me laugh. Does anyone need to be convinced that pain is a problem? What Lewis was...
Terry M. Wildman first had the idea of translating the New Testament over 20 years ago. Wildman was living on the Hopi Indian Reservation and serving as a...
Constantine promulgated the Edict of Milan in 313. This declared religious toleration in the Roman Empire. More specifically, Constantine’s edict opened the...
You can poke fun at a lot of things in religion and all but the most severe practitioners will enjoy the laugh. But church leaders often advise, whatever you...
Some things don’t really matter. Others are essential to growth and happiness. The key to life may be in how well we’re able to discern which elements belong...
Many people are out in their gardens this time of year, hands deep in the soil, working together with the Earth to bring forth vegetation. The idea of humans...