The age of the universe alone requires us to talk about creation and Christ in new language. “The whole cosmos, from the big bang on, is that Word of God being...
Are there different lists of the Ten Commandments? So much is debated about the Bible that you’d hope when it comes to the Ten Commandments, at least, you’re...
It seems that a lot of parishes are starting to have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, either as a regular practice or just on occasion. Is this something...
Who’s the norm, and who’s the diversity? So wonders this Latina theologian, who suggests that tensions in a parish may not be such bad thing after all. Asked...
Making a case for Christianity is not an easy sell nowadays, and no one knows that better than Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. Participation in church life in his...
Living in daily expectation of "seeing God,"Father Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B. shares his thoughts about heaven, beauty, and deification. A legendary...
With his 1996 book The Real Jesus (HarperSanFrancisco), Luke Timothy Johnson established himself as one of the most forceful critics of the Jesus Seminar's...
Defying the stereotypes of a meek, mild-mannered Mary, the Magnificat proclaims the liberating and revolutionary message of a passionate, prophetic woman. In...
A circle of women who gather for prayer remembers the names of Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and other women witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection, lamenting the...
The embrace of Saints Peter and Paul depicted in the icon at left found a contemporary echo three years ago when German Bishop Walter Kasper warmly embraced...