Living in daily expectation of "seeing God,"Father Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B. shares his thoughts about heaven, beauty, and deification. A legendary...
With his 1996 book The Real Jesus (HarperSanFrancisco), Luke Timothy Johnson established himself as one of the most forceful critics of the Jesus Seminar's...
Defying the stereotypes of a meek, mild-mannered Mary, the Magnificat proclaims the liberating and revolutionary message of a passionate, prophetic woman. In...
A circle of women who gather for prayer remembers the names of Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and other women witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection, lamenting the...
The embrace of Saints Peter and Paul depicted in the icon at left found a contemporary echo three years ago when German Bishop Walter Kasper warmly embraced...
St. Paul may be known as the "apostle to the Gentiles," but his high ideals make him an apostle for believers today, too. When you ask Father Jerome...
St. Paul may be known as the "apostle to the Gentiles," but his high ideals make him an apostle for believers today, too. When you ask Father Jerome...
The Jesus movement of the first century was a group of mostly Jewish followers who were of little social importance and who often met in homes—a far cry from...
Far from being a threat to faith, modern science is an invitation to get better acquainted with the force behind the universe. How can you believe in...
The pope’s stance on health care may be hard pill to swallow for opponents of reform. More than 100 million people a year across the world are driven into...