The incarnation is grounded in intentionality. Think about it. God chooses to be revealed not as a conquering king, an aggressive tyrant, or even a political...
Our Faith
When I dreamt of becoming a mother, I never imagined parenting in strings of broken Spanish. In fact, my linguistic understanding of it was limited to a...
One of the most popular holiday pastimes among U.S. Christians is hand-wringing about whether we’ve all forgotten that Christmas is a celebration of Christ...
This is the second time I will experience the Advent season as a pregnant woman. An app that tracks pregnancy just told me that we are entering my 25th week...
I was 22 years old, wide eyed and earnest in the pew, when I first heard my pastor commission all the parents in the church to teach their children to obey...
Think of all the names you will write this season on Christmas cards, gift tags, shopping lists, and party invitations. Most of us have multiple names over the...
When a childhood friend first told me about the love she had for her foster brother, I vowed to become a foster parent someday. Now that “someday” has finally...
I’ve always cringed when I hear the expression “offer it up.” While the phrase actually refers to something called redemptive suffering—the idea that our...
I have two beautiful, colorful maps on my study wall. I love them. The only problem is that they are wrong. They were drawn according to the best cartographic...
This column missed its deadline. This doesn’t affect the experience you’re having in any way, since it went to press on time as usual. But permit me to brag:...