“Mommy, why aren’t you happy just the way God made you?!” When my 8-year-old daughter posed this query with tears streaming down her face, it was a punch to...
Our Faith
If heaven has a soundtrack, it surely includes the greatest hits of the 1990s. You will not be able to convince this biased Millennial otherwise. A few friends...
I recently wrote on the various models Pope Francis offers to call us to work toward unity in the church by engaging those we disagree with. If effectively put...
Every day on social media, Catholics can find no shortage of issues to disagree on. A cursory review of heated topics includes abortion, racism, LGBTQ people...
Don’t you just love it when someone tries to help you gain perspective—perhaps by pointing out the proverbial silver lining or sharing their own experienced...
The spiritual life is often described as a journey. To be beatified by the Catholic Church, or named “Blessed,” is to receive official recognition that a...
On June 25, 1975, Michael “Casimir” Cypher was arrested and executed by soldiers in Honduras, thereby becoming the first of several U.S. missionaries to be...
My mom kept a plastic bottle of holy water by the front door of our home and another on the bureau in my parents’ bedroom. Every day she would use the water to...
The events of recent history that have coincided with the early years of my kids’ lives have one consistent and persistent quality: their capacity to unnerve...
I first encountered St. Ignatius of Loyola when I was a boy. My grandmother had volunteered with Father Pedro Arrupe (one of the great Ignatian social...