My favorite photo of my husband and son was taken in the early hazy days of parenthood when the latter was about 2 weeks old. It’s not a very good photo by...
Our Faith
This past semester I had the opportunity to teach a yoga class to my honors Foundations in Theology students in the chapel on my university’s campus. As I...
Most of what I read about the topic of vocation strikes me as trite and cliché. “Listen to your inner voice.” “Follow God’s call.” “Allow yourself to be led by...
The cliché—though it’s true—is that kids teach their parents far more than their parents teach them. I have found this most often to be the case in perspective...
Once I filled out the online survey, the flood began: Apparently I had not been discerning enough in my responses to the survey questions, because I think...
Sullivan McCormick paced the sidewalk for 10 minutes before he had the courage to stop. Finally, leaning next to a fire hydrant on a street corner in...
In November 2021 hundreds of people turned up at Dealey Plaza in Dallas (the site of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963) because they and their...
For those discerning the priesthood and religious life, celibacy is often one of the main barriers to entry. I spent the latter half of my undergraduate career...
In 2003, when I was 33 years old, my mother died. Her body became overwhelmed quite suddenly by infection because of years of use of prednisone to treat the...
When I was in college, I was late to the game in applying for campus work study positions, so I got stuck working in the fundraising call room. While I hated...